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Baha’is of Iran

Iran Detains Baha'i Citizen for Over 3 Weeks Without Explanation

June 4, 2024
1 min read
According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency HRANA, Agah Sadeghi was arrested by security forces in Bukan three weeks ago
According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency HRANA, Agah Sadeghi was arrested by security forces in Bukan three weeks ago

A Baha'i citizen living in Iran's northwestern Bukan has been detained for over three weeks without any official explanation or charges being presented.

According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency HRANA, Agah Sadeghi was arrested by security forces in Bukan three weeks ago. 

Despite repeated attempts to inquire about his whereabouts and condition, the family received no information from authorities.

Following the arrest, security agents also raided Sadeghi's home, conducting a search and confiscating their personal belongings.

The Baha'i faith is not recognized by the Iranian government, and its followers have faced systematic discrimination for decades.

For more than four decades, Baha'is have been systematically persecuted in Iran because of their faith and are often accused of being spies or opposed to the Iranian government. 

The Baha'i International Community states that no evidence has ever been provided to substantiate these charges.

The Iranian government has intensified its crackdown on members of the Baha'i faith, imprisoning dozens of them on spurious charges over the past year, denying them access to higher education and livelihoods, and confiscating or destroying their personal properties.



Iran Confirms Ongoing Talks with US in Oman

June 4, 2024
1 min read
Iran Confirms Ongoing Talks with US in Oman