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Iran-Backed Baqir Brigade Militia Says 12 Members Killed in Syria

February 4, 2021
Ahmad Salloum
1 min read
Iran-Backed Baqir Brigade Militia Says 12 Members Killed in Syria

On Wednesday morning, the Iran-backed Baqir Brigade militia in Syria announced that 12 fighters in its ranks had been killed in clashes with ISIS operatives in the Al-Sukhnah-Ithriyah area in central Syria.

The leadership of the Baqir Brigade mourned the killing of its 12 militants on Facebook and stated that they had died in the Ithriyah area, in the eastern Hama countryside.

It also published the names of the dead, and stated that all of them belonged to the Abbas Battalion, which operates in Aleppo, Raqqa and Deir Al-Zour.

The Baqir Brigade includes members of the Al-Baqqarah clan, which is by Sheikh Nawaf Ragheb, a staunch ally of Iran in Syria. Sheikh Nawaf Ragheb previously lived in the Turkish city of Istanbul before returning to his country of birth through a settlement deal with the Syrian regime in 2017.

Iran has supported the Assad regime since the beginning of the Syrian revolution through its direct involvement in the war being waged, as well as indirectly through its support of pro-regime militias and pro-Assad propaganda. This has included military, financial and logistical support, in addition to the backing of Lebanese Hezbollah and other Iran-allied militia groups such as the Zeinabiyoun, Fatemiyoun, and Baqir Brigades.


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Iran Mourns the Deaths of Two Football Stars in One Week

February 4, 2021
Payam Younesipour
3 min read
Iran Mourns the Deaths of Two Football Stars in One Week