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Animal Rights Activist Arrested

December 5, 2014
1 min read
Animal Rights Activist Arrested

Civil and animal rights activist Ali Tabarzadi was arrested on Thursday, December 4, in Tehran.

Those close to Tabarzadi said at least 10 judiciary and intelligence agents raided his home at 2am on the morning of December 4. The arresting authorities did not provide any information about the charges against him.

His family said that Tabarzadi had organized a demonstration in support of animal rights, which was due to take place on Friday, December 5. They believed he was arrested in attempt to stop the protest. During the arrest, agents also confiscated three laptops, mobile phones and other personal items belonging to the family.

Ali Tabarzadi is the son of well-known political prisoner Heshmatollah Tabarzadi currently held in Rajaii-Shahr prison in Karaj. He condemned the arrest of his son in a text message from prison: “...once again the savage servants of Khamenei...raided my house, terrorizing my family and looting my belongings. They captured Ali. This is the first time they have arrested Ali.”

“Khamenei should know that if he does not release Ali immediately and not apologize to my family, he will be held responsible for our loss,” Tabarzadi said. He urged his family to not allow themselves to be terrorized by what he termed “barbaric” acts.


Read the original article in Persian


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Iran’s Enrichment Offer: So Near And Yet Not Far Enough