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Speaking of Iran

Mohammad Javad Zarif: A Message from Iran

April 20, 2015
Speaking of Iran
Mohammad Javad Zarif: A Message from Iran
Mohammad Javad Zarif: A Message from Iran



TEHRAN — We made important progress in Switzerland earlier this month. With the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany, we agreed on parameters to remove any doubt about the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program and to lift international sanctions against Iran.


Link to the article


April 21, 2015

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif asserts that Iran wants to “begin serious discussion of the calamities that the region faces.” He is aware that a major cause of current violence in the Middle East is the Shi’a -Sunni conflict. If Zarif wishes to persuade Sunni Arabs and interested Westerners that Iran prefers to have p eaceful relations with Sunni majority Arab countries, he should ask his boss, Supreme Dictator Ali Khamenei, to allow Iran’s Sunni minority to have their own mosques in Iranian cities. He should also ask Khamenei to end the political and economic marginalization of Iran’s majority Sunni provinces of Kurdistan and Sistan-Baluchistan.

Mansour Farhang

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