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Special Features

Speaker of the Parliament Tests Positive for Coronavirus

October 28, 2020
1 min read
Speaker of the Parliament Tests Positive for Coronavirus

The Speaker of the Iranian parliament Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf has announced that he has contracted coronavirus and is in quarantine.

On the morning of Wednesday, October 28, Ghalibaf posted on Twitter: "One of my colleagues in the office has contracted coronavirus. My coronavirus test result was announced in the middle of the night and it was positive. I am currently in quarantine and, God willing, I will pursue my duties and responsibilities."

Ghalibaf had visited a Covid-19 ward at Imam Khomeini Hospital on October 5. Following the visit, President Rouhani announced the cancellation of a meeting he was scheduled to have with the other heads of the three branches of government, which had been due to take place the same day.   

On October 27, the Event 24 news website reported that Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force, had been infected with Covid-19. The report said that Hajizadeh was being taken to a military hospital in Tehran that night, but that his condition was improving and he would be discharged soon.


Related coverage: 

Rouhani Cancels Meeting After Speaker of Parliament Visits ICU Ward


Special Features

Religious Ceremonies Break New Coronavirus Rules

October 28, 2020
Pouyan Khoshhal
5 min read
Religious Ceremonies Break New Coronavirus Rules