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Images of Iran

The Prostate Shrine

September 15, 2014
President Hassan Rouhani at the Supreme Leader's bedside.
President Hassan Rouhani at the Supreme Leader's bedside.
Hashemi Rafsanjani's visit.
Hashemi Rafsanjani's visit.
There was international media interest in former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit.
There was international media interest in former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit.
Mohammad Ali Jafari,the commander of the Army of the Revolutionary Guards, at the Supreme Leader's bedside.
Mohammad Ali Jafari,the commander of the Army of the Revolutionary Guards, at the Supreme Leader's bedside.
Iraqi politician Ammar al-Hakim, who heads the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, also visits Khamenei in hospital.
Iraqi politician Ammar al-Hakim, who heads the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, also visits Khamenei in hospital.
Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, one of Iran's most influential top clerics, pays Khamenei a visit.
Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, one of Iran's most influential top clerics, pays Khamenei a visit.
Dozens of Members of Parliament flock to the leader's bedside.
Dozens of Members of Parliament flock to the leader's bedside.
Ayatollah Mohsen Kharazi, a member of the Assembly of Experts of Iran, with Khamenei.
Ayatollah Mohsen Kharazi, a member of the Assembly of Experts of Iran, with Khamenei.
Government representatives visit the ayatollah.
Government representatives visit the ayatollah.
Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, one of the country's most influential Assembly of Experts members, at Khamenei's bedside.
Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, one of the country's most influential Assembly of Experts members, at Khamenei's bedside.
Staff from the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution pay the leader a visit.
Staff from the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution pay the leader a visit.
Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought founder and head Ali-Akbar Rashad with Khamenei.
Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought founder and head Ali-Akbar Rashad with Khamenei.
During a visit from a group of artists, the Supreme Leader recited a poem by female poet Parvin Etesaami.
During a visit from a group of artists, the Supreme Leader recited a poem by female poet Parvin Etesaami.

Last week Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei received a stream of visitors at his Tehran hospital bed, after being admitted for prostate surgery. State television and newspapers carried extensive footage of these bedside visitiations, during which political loyalists and the regime elite bent over to kiss the Supreme Leader's forehead and profess their fidelity; Khamenei received these attentions with a resigned composure. The caricaturist here portrays Khamenei as a self-contained Shia shrine, drawing the faithul to prayer and pilgrimage.


 The Prostate Shrine



The Prostate Shrine

September 15, 2014
Mana Neyestani
The Prostate Shrine