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Khamenei Lectures Athletes on Iranian values

November 22, 2023
1 min read
He commended the players of the national football team for wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh (scarf) before their match against Jordan in a show of solidarity for Palestinians in Gaza
He commended the players of the national football team for wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh (scarf) before their match against Jordan in a show of solidarity for Palestinians in Gaza

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei discussed the importance of sports in promoting Iranian values and culture, as he met with medalists of the Asian and Asian Para Games.

During the meeting on November 22, Khamenei reiterated his call on Iranian athletes to refuse to compete against Israelis, calling them "representatives of a criminal and terrorist regime."

He commended the players of the national football team for wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh (scarf) before their match against Jordan in a show of solidarity for Palestinians in Gaza. 

The leader of the Islamic Republic also praised the female athletes who wore headscarves during the games and refused to shake hands with men during the medal presentations.

Khamenei emphasized the importance for athletes to "demonstrate their faith through behaviors such as prostration and raising hands in prayer, as well as kissing the flag of the Islamic Republic."

He also called on the government of President Ebrahim Raisi to address issues such as "corruption and ethical problems in sports."



Iranian University Students Boycott Class to Protest Security Measures

November 22, 2023
1 min read
Iranian University Students Boycott Class to Protest Security Measures