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Iran's Khuzestan Braces for Unprecedented Heat Wave

June 17, 2024
1 min read
The Director General of Khuzestan Meteorology has warned residents of the Iranian province to prepare for an upcoming intense heat wave that could surpass the province's previous records.
The Director General of Khuzestan Meteorology has warned residents of the Iranian province to prepare for an upcoming intense heat wave that could surpass the province's previous records.

The Director General of Khuzestan Meteorology has warned residents of the Iranian province to prepare for an upcoming intense heat wave that could surpass the province's previous records.

According to Mohammed Sabzezari, temperatures will begin rising across most of Khuzestan starting Monday, with many areas expected to see highs above 50°C (122°F) later in the week. 

Coastal areas may stay just under 50°C due to humidity from southern air currents.

However, Sabzezari said northwest winds are forecast to arrive this weekend and persist through next week. It will likely drive temperatures to 50°C or higher across most of the province for around seven days.

"If this situation occurs, it will be a record in the last ten years in terms of the sequence of days with temperatures above 50 degrees," Sabzezari added.

The meteorology department chief urged Khuzestan residents to reduce electricity consumption as much as possible during the extreme heat to avoid overtaxing the power grid and causing outages. 

While the closure of businesses on Thursday and Friday may provide some relief, Sabzezari warned that the extended streak of intense heat will create "complicated conditions" requiring conservative energy use.

Khuzestan, located in southwestern Iran, is one of the country's hottest regions during the summer months. 

However, the forecasted series of days over 50°C would be unprecedented in at least the last decade. Hence, residents are being advised to take all precautions to limit heat exposure and energy consumption.



Sweden Swaps Convicted Criminal with Hostages

June 15, 2024
Solmaz Eikdar
6 min read
Sweden Swaps Convicted Criminal with Hostages