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Jailed Iranian Activist Denies 'Spying for Israel' Charges

June 17, 2024
1 min read
Abbas Shanbehzadeh, the activist's brother, revealed details of the call on Sunday, stating, "During the conversation, Hossein repeatedly swore by my mother's honor and told her: I have not done what they say"
Abbas Shanbehzadeh, the activist's brother, revealed details of the call on Sunday, stating, "During the conversation, Hossein repeatedly swore by my mother's honor and told her: I have not done what they say"

Imprisoned Iranian editor and activist Hossein Shanbehzadeh has denied accusations made by authorities that he was spying for Israel during a recent phone call with his family from jail.

Abbas Shanbehzadeh, the activist's brother, revealed details of the call on Sunday, stating, "During the conversation, Hossein repeatedly swore by my mother's honor and told her: I have not done what they say."

The accusations against the online activist surfaced last week when the prosecutor in Ardabil accused him of "spying" for Israel, alleging he "was in contact with high-ranking Mossad officers through social networks."

In addition to the spying claim, authorities have leveled charges of "insulting the sacred" and "attempting to leave the country" against Shanbehzadeh.

His family had previously issued a statement expressing disbelief over the spying allegations, arguing that the "serious accusations against Hossein cannot be justified due to his activity on social media with his real identity."

They also disputed claims that he was planning to flee, noting Shanbehzadeh had openly discussed traveling to Ardabil on social media and had posted about being in the city "shortly before his arrest."

Shanbehzadeh's latest arrest appears linked to his online response to a photo posted on the Twitter account of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei with the Iranian volleyball team. 

Under the image, Shanbehzadeh had simply left a single dot as a comment.

The satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo even encouraged its audience to post single dots under Khamenei's tweets in solidarity over Shanbehzadeh's detention.



Iranian Woman Jailed Over Online Posts Released on Bail

June 17, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Woman Jailed Over Online Posts Released on Bail