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Civil Activists Support Call for Iran's Presidential Election Boycott

June 24, 2024
1 min read
A supporting statement signed by people from various sections of society aligns with the teachers' union's position. It cites concerns about the election's legitimacy and its potential to perpetuate existing problems rather than solve them
A supporting statement signed by people from various sections of society aligns with the teachers' union's position. It cites concerns about the election's legitimacy and its potential to perpetuate existing problems rather than solve them

A coalition of activists representing pensioners, doctors, lawyers, workers, students, and families of those affected by the Woman, Life, Freedom protests have supported the decision of 520 teachers' union activists to boycott the upcoming Iranian presidential election.

A supporting statement signed by people from various sections of society aligns with the teachers' union's position. It cites concerns about the election's legitimacy and its potential to perpetuate existing problems rather than solve them. 

The group urges fellow citizens to carefully consider the teachers' arguments and abstain from what they describe as an "unsuccessful show for Iran and the people of Iran."

The activists emphasize the need for "real change" driven by the people's will rather than accepting what they perceive as a system imposed by a minority opposed to freedom and equality.

They argue that despite lacking official campaign resources, individual citizens can be more effective than formal headquarters in promoting this message.

This latest statement follows the initial declaration by 520 teachers and cultural figures, which outlined seven reasons for not participating in the election. 

The teachers' group expressed concern that even a reformist candidate's victory would fail to address core issues and potentially legitimize further suppression of dissent.



Argentina's Declassified Report Reveals Iran's Role in 1994 AMIA Bombing

June 24, 2024
Florencia Montaruli
6 min read
Argentina's Declassified Report Reveals Iran's Role in 1994 AMIA Bombing