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Khamenei Urges 'Maximum' Turnout in Election

June 25, 2024
1 min read
Speaking on Tuesday, during the Shia holiday of Eid Ghadir, Ali Khamenei criticized politicians who believe "everything good comes from the United States"
Speaking on Tuesday, during the Shia holiday of Eid Ghadir, Ali Khamenei criticized politicians who believe "everything good comes from the United States"

Iran's Supreme Leader has called for "maximum" voter participation in this week's presidential election, framing it as a way to "overcome the enemy." 

Speaking on Tuesday, during the Shia holiday of Eid Ghadir, Ali Khamenei criticized politicians who believe "everything good comes from the United States."

Without naming anyone in specific, Khamenei's comments appeared to target the only reformist candidate in the race, Masoud Pezeshkian. The candidate has advocated for a return to the 2015 nuclear deal and increased Western outreach.

"The one who has the slightest opposition to the revolution ... or the Islamic system, is not useful to you," Khamenei stated, adding, "He will not be a good colleague for you."

The 85-year-old leader's remarks were punctuated by crowd chants of "Death to America, death to Israel," which he repeatedly asked to be quieted.

The election follows the May helicopter crash that killed hard-line President Ebrahim Raisi. 

It also comes after a parliamentary election that saw record-low turnout earlier this year.



Ahmadreza Jalali's Daughter: 'We Want Answers'

June 24, 2024
Shima Shahrabi
3 min read
Ahmadreza Jalali's Daughter: 'We Want Answers'