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Flooding in Iran's Savadkoh Causes Severe Damage, Two Missing

June 26, 2024
1 min read
Severe flooding has hit the northern Iranian city of Savadkoh, resulting in widespread damage, injuries, and two people reported missing
Severe flooding has hit the northern Iranian city of Savadkoh, resulting in widespread damage, injuries, and two people reported missing

Severe flooding has hit the northern Iranian city of Savadkoh, resulting in widespread damage, injuries, and two people reported missing. 

The flooding, triggered by heavy rains, has led to the closure of mountain roads and caused significant destruction in the region.

According to local relief teams, the flooding of the Talar River began around midnight on Tuesday. 

The flood has caused extensive damage to agricultural lands, fields, and communication routes along the river.

Residential houses and vehicles in the flood's path have also suffered considerable damage.

Ramzan Gholami, the governor of Savadkoh, described the flooding as "unprecedented." 

He reported that the city's main axis has been blocked in the Tale Rodbar area, while the mountain routes of Alasht and Drasaleh have been severely damaged and are currently closed for traffic.

Eighteen people have been injured, with four being treated as outpatients and fourteen still receiving medical care. 

Two individuals, a 15-year-old girl and a 45-year-old woman, are currently missing.

Gholam Ali Fakhari, CEO of the Mazandaran Red Crescent Society, reported that 31 people have been moved to safe zones, seven injured individuals have been transferred to medical centers, and 50 people have been provided emergency accommodation.



Iranian Mother of Two Killed by Husband in Public

June 26, 2024
1 min read
Iranian Mother of Two Killed by Husband in Public